
Dr. Guoqing (Harry) Xu

I am an Associate Professor in the computer science department of University of California, Irvine. My research interests range from software engineering, through programming languages and compilers, to runtime systems, operating systems, and distributed systems. I am recently interested in building scalable and performant Big Data systems.



The AnalySys group is anticipating some postdoctoral scholars joining us starting June 2018.


Khanh Nguyen
Khanh Nguyen
PhD candidate
His research aims to develop novel compiler and runtime support to solve scalability issue in Big Data systems. He earned his M.S. and B.S. in Computer Science both from UCI.
Kai Wang
Kai Wang
PhD candidate
Before coming to UC Irvine, he completed his Master degree in CS at Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He completed his undergraduate degree at Huazhong Unversity of Science and Technology.
Cheng Cai
Cheng Cai
PhD candidate
Bojun Wang
Bojun Wang
PhD student
John Thorpe
John Thorpe
PhD student


Christian Navasca
Christian Navasca
2017 REU, 2017 Undegraduate Researcher
Project: Yak++, Skyway++ with Khanh Nguyen
Tim Nguyen
Thien Nguyen
2018 Undegraduate Researcher
Project: ParaStack++ with Dr. Keval Vora and Khanh Nguyen


UCI I-SURF Fellows from Kookmin University , South Korea

Sungsoo Son
Peter the Anteater
2016 I-SURF Fellow
Project: GraspanC++ with Khanh Nguyen (Summer)
Project: SparkCache with Khanh Nguyen (Fall)
HanSem Jeon
Peter the Anteater
2016 I-SURF Fellow
Project: GraspanC++ with Khanh Nguyen
Yoonseung Choi
Yoonseung Choi
2015 I-SURF Fellow
Project: HadoopOME with Khanh Nguyen
Soyeong Park
Soyeong Park
2015 I-SURF Fellow
Project: Hadoop OME (Out-of-Memory Error) with Khanh Nguyen (Summer)
Project: ACG (AutoCommentGenerator) with Aftab Hussain (Fall)
Jackson Lee
Jackon Lee
2015 I-SURF Fellow
Project: GraphQ++ with Kai Wang

High School Summer Interns

Michael Li
Michael Li
2018 Summer Intern from Newport High, WA.
Bill (Chengxi) Li
Chengxi (Bill) Li
2017 Summer Intern from Beckman High, now at UC Berkeley
Emily Hu
Emily Hu
2016 Summer Intern from Northwood High, now at UC Berkeley
Lawrence Xu
Lawrence Xu
2016 Summer Intern from University High, now at Purdue
Louis Zhang
Louis Zhang
2014 Summer Intern from Troy High, now at UC Berkeley
Ankur Gupta
Ankur Gupta
2014 Summer Intern from University High, now at UC San Diego
Wendy Wei
Wendy Wei
2013 Summer Intern from University High, now at MIT CS
Allen Min
Allen Min
2012 Summer Intern from Whitney High, B.S. UCI'17
Jonathon Tsai
Jonathon Tsai
2012 Summer Intern from Whitney High, B.S. UCI'17


Dr. Zhiqiang Zuo
Zhiqiang Zuo
2015-2018 Postdoc, now at Nanjing University, China
Tim Nguyen
Tim Nguyen
2016 REU, 2017 Undegraduate Researcher, B.S. UCI'18, now at Facebook
Project: BigSAT, ParallelSAT with Dr. Zhiqiang Zuo and Khanh Nguyen
Aftab Hussain
Aftab Hussain
2017, M.S.
Lu Fang
Lu Fang
2017, Ph.D., now at Facebook
John Oh
John Oh
2016 Undergraduate Researcher, B.S. UCI'17
Project: BigData benchmark survey with Khanh Nguyen
Sanaz Alamian
Peter the Anteater
2016, M.S.
Matthew Hartz
Peter the Anteater
2015 Undergraduate Researcher, B.S. UCI'15
Project: PerfBlower++ with Lu Fang
Jianfei Hu
Jianfei Hu
2015, M.S., now at Google


Yingyi Bu
Yingyi Bu
Ph.D. UCI'16
Vijay Palepu
Ph.D. UCI'17
Keval Vora
Keval Vora
AY 2014-2015 Visitor
Ph.D. UCR'17
Simon Frazer University